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Setting up your first runs - plan a year ahead. Go out and start running.How to set up your running training
Don't start too hard and too fast cause this will result with injuries.
Louis Nachmansohn belivies this to be a classical scenario for runners. "You start of wanting to run everywhere and with high speed for a long time."
Instead, one should focus on increasing slowly but surely.
By that I mean that you should start with low density and then increase the time you are out. Moving up fast pass before you can run properly is silly.
Start with two to three times a week. If the run is ten minutes does not matter. If you walk five times during those ten minutes do not matter. Run on only, but not fast.
When you can run ten minutes without having to go it may be time to increase the distance.
The basic rule is to increase the amount of ten percent per week. The shorter you, the faster you should run, but it should still be a relaxed run.
Louis Nachmansohn likes to run uphill
In my opinion Running training should begin with the first "hurricane" run. Then increase the distance gradually, and your running strength will come, and running in different speeds should be added and eventually introduce yourself to more and more torque.When the winter comes the treadmill is a good option to get to running. Just try running with the slope of the treadmill, cause to run uphill is among the most important exercise you can do to cope running a long time and get a good strength in the legs.
Basic training is designed to build up the runner in a gentle way to later run tougher in terms of volume but in particular speed-wise.
One of the best sessions to build because, when you have familiarized yourself into when running through regular distance running, long hill race.